Sunday 28 July 2024

Hearth Money Rolls - Gortshane


In the Hearth Money Rolls 1665
The following names were recorded in Gortshane townland (Gortgane).





 There was no return for 1666-67.

Generally the first name in a townland seems to be the most important landowner. At least that is my impression.

So in this case we have Garrett Barry. I’m not sure of his origin. Barry you would think is an Anglo-Norman name and their were Barrys buried in Abington in medieval times. McDermtt could be the surname McDermott which would be very rare in this rare or more likely to be descendants of someone else rather than surnames in their own right eg John McDermott might actually be John son of Dermott Ryan.


There is the 1766 census available for the general area but unless someone has a very distinct surname it is nearly impossible to make any kind of connection.

In this case there is a Michael Barry could be a descendant of this Hearth Money Roll Barry.

There are no McDermotts or similar names in the 1776 census.

The next available "Census" for the area is the Tithe Appointment Books 1827


No Barrys carry through in the townland.

There is also an 1835 census available for the Parishes of Newport and Birdhill (transcribed by Hugh Sweeney of Newport Historical & Archaeological Society in Newport News).

Gurtshawn White (East)

Patrick Ryan

Denis Ryan

William Ryan

Edmond Kenedy

Widow Deigan

Cornelius Donnell

William Gleeson

Widow Gleeson

Denis Ryan

Daniel Ryan

James Gleeson

Margaret Wixted

George Johnson

Gurtshawn Cox (Middle)

Richard Ryan

James Ryan

Patrick Ryan

Philip Connell

Martin Murnane

Peter Malone

William Gleeson

Martin Vaughan

James Shinners

James Ryan

Patrick Ryan

Denis Mulcahy

Roger Kelly

William Carroll

Patrick Kelly

John Ryan

William Bradshaw

Michael Ryan

John Murphy

Joseph Ryan

Laurence Bourke

Malachy Ryan

Michael McGrath

Catherine Feehan

Patrick Purcell

Thomas Purcell

William Bourke

Michael Ryan

Patrick Hickey

Thomas Collins

Patrick Ahearn

Patrick Donnell

Gurtshawn Poe (West)

Michael Ryan

Daniel Hayes

Michael Ryan

John Ryan

John Ryan

John Ryan

Arthur Keeffe

Philip Ryan

Edmond Egan

Mary Kenedy

William Wade

James Kennedy

Patrick Ryan

Michael Ryan

James Ryan

Denis Ryan


Again no Barrys or variances of Dermott.

In the later Griffiths valuation (see pictures), no Hearth Money Rolls reappear.

The 1901 Census

No Hearth Money Roll names.

And 1911 Census


So Hearth money roll names in either of the two census above for the townland.

As a later exercise will also try and look at the Civil Survey – Transplantation records – Hearth Money Rolls but I think I will keep that as a separate exercise.

My own analysis of the rolls highlighting the Owney records.

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