Sunday 4 August 2024

Hearth Money Rolls - Carrowkeale


In the Hearth Money Rolls 1666-7
The following names were recorded in Carrowkeale townland (Carrowkeale)


















There was no return for 1665.

Generally the first name in a townland seems to be the most important landowner. At least that is my impression.

So in this case we have Mahoon McTeige. I’m not sure of his surname but it is likely he is a descendant of someone else rather than a surname in its own right eg Mahoon McTeige might actually be Mathew son of Teige Ryan.

Now interestingly enough in the Civil Survey of 1654-56 one of the owners of Carrowkeale was Teige Ryan of Cully.

This seems to have been a predominantly Gaelic townland with Hickey, McDonagh & Ryan surnames. There is also a Magoon Oge or Young Matthew who is likely to be a son of someone in the townland or nearby.

There are two unusual surnames – Iron and Flurtye. Iron’s first name is John so fairly inconclusive, it could be an English settler surname but also could just be a mistake. Flurtye’s first name is Morogh or Maurice, I’d be leaning towards it being a Gaelic surname but I’m not sure what it would be today. (Maybe Flaherty?).

There is the 1766 census available for the general area but unless someone has a very distinct surname it is nearly impossible to make any kind of connection.

There are no Irons or names similar to Flurtye (even if it was Flaherty). There rest are too numerous (for example there are 5 Matthew Ryans listed in 1766). 

The next available "Census" for the area is the Tithe Appointment Books 1827

There are still plenty of Ryans in the townland but none that could be conclusively matched back to the Hearth Money Rolls.

Bartholomew Ryan is listed in the Tithe Appointments for the townland and we have looked at him previously as the “King of Owney”.

There is also an 1835 census available for the Parishes of Newport and Birdhill (transcribed by Hugh Sweeney of Newport Historical & Archaeological Society in Newport News).

Miss Bridget Ryan

John Wixted

John Bourke

James Byrnes

Daniel Ryan

Timothy Ryan (Bawn)

James Heffernan

Patrick Heffernan

Widow Heffernan

Cornelius Clanchy

Denis Maher

Michael Ryan

John Gleeson

Denis Ryan

Denis Berecre

Terence O’Brien

Denis O'Brien

Mathew Ryan

James Grady

James Muldin

Michael Hanning

DanieI Ryan

Thomas Wixted

Widow Cox

Henry Cox

Hugh Cox

Plenty of Ryans but no other Hearth Money Rolls names, interestingly there are two Daniel Ryans, a Matthew Ryan (Mahoon?) and Timothy Ryan (Teige?) recorded in 1835. Unfortunately due to the large number of Ryans, without further evidence it won’t be possible to link any of these back to the Hearth Money Rolls.   

In the later Griffiths valuation (see pictures), we still have some of the same Ryans (Timothy Ryan Bawn, Daniel Ryan & Matthew Ryan) but no Hearth Money Rolls reappear.

The 1901 Census

There are still Ryans but no other Hearth Money Rolls names.

And 1911 Census

Same still a family of Ryans but no other Hearth Money Roll names.

To summarise we can’t really link the Hearth Money Roll names to later records with what we have currently however it may be worth further research. The possible carrying on of the first name Teige / Timothy is of interest though.

As a later exercise will also try and look at the Civil Survey – Transplantation records – Hearth Money Rolls but I think I will keep that as a separate exercise.

My own analysis of the rolls highlighting the Owney records.

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