Monday, 30 December 2024

Civil Survey Notes - Drumbane


The townland is included with some other totalling 1966 acres.

Bryen O Kearny of Lishine

Conor Ryan of Lissnakelly

Anthony o Dwyer of Clonyhorpa Esqr

Conor mc Teige Ryan of Drombane

PhiIlipp mc Mahony Ryan of Drombane

Derby mc Phillip Ryan of Drombane

Edmond Ryan of Drombane

John mc Daniell Ryan of Drombane

Teig Ryan of Drombane.

Donogh Ryan Drombane

John Ryan of Drombane

Dermott Ryan of Drombane.

Dermott mc Richard Ryan of Drombane

Donogh mcPhillip Ryan of Drombane

Wm mcRickard Dwyer of Drombane

Conor Dwyer of Curraghtarsny

Teig Dwyer of Curraghcrehy

Rory Ryan of Drombane

Two of these are scheduled for transplantation according to Simington. Namely

John Ryan & Philip McMahon Ryan (called Phillip McMahony Ryan above).

John Ryan is scheduled to be transported to Feacle (Upper) or Tulla (Upr.) while Philip McMahon Ryan is scheduled to be transported to Feacle (Upper).

There are two John Ryans in the 1659 Penders Census but none in those parishes in Clare.

There are 18 Ryans recorded in the Griffiths Valuation for Tulla Parish in Clare.

There are 3 Ryans recorded in the Griffiths Valuation for Feacle Parish in Clare.

Back in Drombane in the Hearth Money Rolls;

In 1665 the following are recorded

William McDerby,

Derby Ryan

Thos. Cusshyne

Willm. Synode

Rory Ryan

John Dwyer

Thomas Ryan

Derby Ryan

Teige Ryan

John Yealding

Robert Carr

Henry Waly

Conor Dwyer

Richard Shipley

John Ryan


In 1666-7

William McDerby

Derby McShane

Mlaghlin McDonnogh

Teige McMahon

John O’Hea

Derby Quinlan

Danniell Glissane

Willaim McDonnogh

Peter Rian

Thomas Cussine

Mathew Dwyre

Teige McShane

Una Ny Derby

Teige Rian

Daniell Rian

John McDaniell

Connor Shane

Daniell Dwire

William Sinnod

William McConnor

Rory Rian

Rory Rian

John Dwire

William O’Lea

Thomas Rian

Darby Rian

Willaim Kennedie

Connor Rian

Edmond Cahill

And a 2nd return for 1666-7

Daniell McTirlah

Darby Rian

John Vealdon

William McMahoony

Edmund Dwire

Teige Rian

Connor Rian

Derby Kennedie

Rory Rian

Donnogh McShane

Six howses wast


Firstly what happened to John Ryan and Phillipe McMahony Ryan, were they transplanted? At least for John Ryan, he may be one of the John Ryans recorded above still in Tipperary. Philip McMahony is no longer recorded but we do see some of his possible relatives in William McMahoony (Ryan most likely) and Teige McMahon (again Ryan most likely) in Drumbane.


In the Tithe Appointment Books there are still lots of Ryans in the townland.

Similarly in the Griffiths Valuation there are lots of Ryans.


And also in the 1901 & 1911 census.


So we can see that Drumbane and associated townlands were heavily Ryan populated. Unfortunately due to the sheer number of Ryans we can’t say much else with certainty.

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