My blog looks at the archaeology and heritage of sites in Tipperary and surrounding areas. As many of these sites are on private property, it is important to request permission from the landowner before entering private lands so that access does not become a problem across all sites.
Friday, 30 November 2018
Sword "Sharpening" Stone at St. Patricks Well, Carrigatoher
One of the biggest discoveries I've made in the last year or so was the rediscovery of St. Patricks fingers on a stone near a holy well in North Tipp. These carving may in fact relate to sword sharpening and this has been linked to inauguration ceremonies for local kings / chiefs.
For more information on sword sharpening stones see here
I originally came across a reference to them via a facebook friend online in the Irish Folklore Commissions manuscripts. Last August I did a talk on Rock Art in Tipperary in Portroe in which I mentioned St Patrick's fingers and a local man came up to me afterwards saying that he knew where they were located. It was not till January of this year that we got a chance to look for them and he and another man kindly showed me where they were. (Thanks to these two men for their kind help) It has since been added to the SMR under the following description.
"Situated on W side of road 25m SW of St. Patrick's Well (TN020-056----). Large roughly rectangular-shaped stone (approx. dims. L 1.65m; H 0.5m) known locally as St. Patrick's Stone set on edge and incorporated into the roadside boundary hedge on W side of public road opposite St. Patrick's Well (TN020-056----). The exposed surface has numerous deep vertical lines (L 0.25m x D 0.03m) cut into the surface of the stone and along the edge of the rock at the top and at the bottom. This rock appears to have been used as a sharpening stone, the dating of which is uncertain. The cuts are similar to cut marks found on stones associated with megalithic monuments in France where they are referred to as 'Le Polissoir' (the polisher) and elsewhere as 'Grooves' and 'sword sharpening stones'. In 1938 the following folklore regarding this stone was recorded in Carrick National School; ’At St. Patrickswell in the townsland of Ballywilliam in the Parish of Youghlalarra is a stone on which there are marks. I (the writer) was always told as a young lad that the marks were those of St Patrick's fingers. The stone is from 5 to 6 ft [1.5-1.8m] in length & 2 to 3 ft [0.6-0.9m] high. I do not know how wide it is as it is built into the fence. The marks are somewhat like the following, all on the face but I could see without the ditch that there are some of top. They look like Bronze age markings’ (pers. comm. Joann Hinz; The Schools’ Collection, Volume 0535, Page 472;"
Saturday, 10 November 2018
Bunratty Castle & Shannon Development
I stumbled across a very interesting book on how Bunratty Castle and Folk Park became the tourist destination it is today by author Bernard Share titled "Bunratty: Rebirth of a Castle".
From my reading it seems that to help mitigate the eventual removal of the enforced stop-over at Shannon Airport in the 1950s (which had been agreed in a bilateral agreement between Ireland and America in 1945). It was decided by Sean Lemass (who was then Minister of Industry and Commerce) that they should try to promote tourism further in the west around Shannon Airport and this happily coincided with the purchase of the castle by Lord Gort in 1953 and also the OPWs desire to protect the castle (which had been ongoing since the early 1900s).
From there Lord Gort, who purchased the castle privately, was allowed to restore the castle with significant help from the OPW and eventually open it to the public. Later the idea of the banquet was added and finally the Folk Park was added on lands adjacent.
So the current situation (as far as I know) is that the castle was sold to Shannon Development for £10,000 and later a trust was formed to administer the castle who then leased the castle back to Shannon Development. One of the key paragraphs I think is
'The trustees shall hold Bunratty Castle upon trust for the State... to the intent that Bunratty Castle will be preserved in the public interest and made available to the public as a contemporary National Monument. Bunratty Castle may be used as a tourist amenity and as an entertainment centre provided such use is subsidiary to the object aforesaid and provided all profits (if any) therefrom are applied exclusively in the furtherance of the said object.'
Shannon Development was dissolved in 2014 and its assets are now operated by Shannon Group Plc.
It is now Shannon Heritage (part of the Shannon Group) that operates the Bunratty Castle & Folk Park.
From Bunratty: Rebirth of a Castle
pg 184
"so what they decided to do was that the building should be sold for a nominal sum to Shannon Development, who would be the custodians, if you like.' The sum involved was £10,000 and the indenture was signed, sealed and delivered on 17th October 1969 by the Right Honourable Bessie Viscountess Gort, and by Brendan O'Regan representing SFADCo; other signatories were John Hunt, the solictitor John Gillman and Lord Gort. It was not, however, until 3 June 1987 that an indenture was made establishing a trust under the terms of which, as stated, 'The trustees shall hold Bunratty Castle upon trust for the State... to the intent that Bunratty Castle will be preserved in the public interest and made available to the public as a contemporary National Monument. Bunratty Castle may be used as a tourist amenity and as an entertainment centre provided such use is subsidiary to the object aforesaid and provided all profits (if any) therefrom are applied exclusively in the furtherance of the said object.'
One trustee each was to be nonimated by SFABCo, Bord Fáilte, the Trustees for the time being of the Furniture Trust and Aer Rianta, the State airports authority. In the matter of management, the Trustees agreed to 'enter into a lease with the company (Shannon Development) whereby Bunratty Castle will be leased back to the Company. Under the terms of the agreement regulations regarding times and prices of admission were to continue to be made by the Commissioners of Public Works, subject to the approval of SFADCo and the trustees of the Furniture Trust. This latter, created by a deed dated 12 June 1959, had been altered and added to by a further deed dated 3 October 1967 made between the Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests for Ireland - 'the ultimate owners', according to Peter Donnelly - and the trustees; the former body was now empowered to 'make any alteration to or variation of or additions to the presents' by the Building Trust.
Lord Gort had, in a somewhat bizarre ceremony, immediately handed back Shannon Development's £10,000 cheque representing the purchase price of the castle to be applied to the Furniture Trust..."
Sunday, 21 October 2018
Murtagh O'Brien's "Palace" (Limerick) and Grianan Aileach (Donegal)
Did stone from walls of the Cashel of the Kings of Ulster (known as Grianan Aileach in Co. Donegal); end up as part of the Bishop's Palace in Limerick?
"1101 It is probable that Murtagh O'Brien, King of Munster removed his residence to the city of Limerick after Kincora was destroyed. The first opportunity that offered he marched with a large army into Ulster, and demolished the Grennan of Ely in revenge for Kincora, and his soldiers brought the stone to Limerick where they were inserted on the parapet of the palace."
Pg 80 The Diocese of Limerick Ancient and Mediaeval - Begley
Sunday, 7 October 2018
Dysert O'Dea and the O'Briens of Arra
We probably all remember the story of Robert Bruce and the spider in Rathlin Island. For me it was one of the stories told, maybe in our primary school history books.
He had suffered defeat in Scotland in 1306 and was licking his wounds supposedly in a cave on Rathlin Island off the Irish coast where he saw a spider building his spider web over and over again, never giving up. This is in legend is thought to have inspired him to try and free Scotland from the English again even after a number of set-backs. This he succeeded following the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314 and he was proclaimed King of Scotland.
Robert's brother Edward then proceeded to Ireland to help open up a 2nd front against the English. The Bruces had some claim to the Kingship of Ulster through their mothers side. He landed in Ulster with a large army and with the help of the O'Neills, Edward was proclaimed High King of Ireland.
The Scots and their Irish allies went to have some major victories over the Anglo-Norman magnates that were in control of the English colony and this encouraged the Gaelic Irish across the island to rebel.
For more detail on the above events
One clan that did rebel so a sept of the O'Briens in Clare who at this time had lost much of their lands to the de Clares who were Anglo-Norman.
The de Clares were supported by one branch of the O'Briens know as "Clann Brian Rua" who wished to benefit by supporting them in receiving territory / land.
From "The History of Medieval Ireland" by Edward Curtis (pg194-195)
"Muchertach O'Brien succeeded his father Turloch 'of the Triumphs' who died in 1306, and in August 1317 his young brother Dermot slew Donnchad, chief of Clann Brian Rua, in a battle at Corcomroe.
Richard de Clare then invaded Thomond from his strong castle at Bunratty along with the next heir of Clann Brian Rua, Brian Bán, but at Dysert O'Dea was attacked first by Felim O'Connor of Corcomroe and Connor O'Dea, and then overwhelmed by Murchertach O'Brien himself, coming to the aid of his vassals, on May 10th 1318. According to the vivid account in the Cathréim, the Normans proved worthy of their old military repute. 'So stubborn was the hand-to-hand encounter that neither noble nor commander of the English left the field, but the greater part of them fell where they stood.' Brian Bán, however cut his way out, crossed the Shannon, and survived to found a branch of the royal race of Duithcre Arra which was called MacBrien of Arra."
Some of the knock-on effects of Dysert O'Dea are as follows:
As stated in Curtis (pg 195) "Thomond, which had been dominated by the Anglo-Irish since 1240, was now cleared of them at one stroke and till 1540 it remained a purely Irish country, the kingship of O'Brien".
What the effects were in Arra is not dealt with in Curtis's book.
However in Gleeson (1915, 7) (who isn't always the most accurate), records that the O'Donegans were the chiefs of Arra up to at least the 11th century. He describes them as being of Leinster stock.
He states that in the 11th century they supported "Donogh, King of Munster, and son of Brian Boroimhe. During Donogh's absence from Munster on a military expedition a rival of Donogh's Turlough O'Brien, severely punished the O'Donegans. It must have been after that time that the O'Ryans of Idrone, in Co. Carlow, obtained the Lordship of Owney, probably by inheritance. O'Donegans ancestors having came from the same district."
Others state that the O'Donegans are actually from Cork
So I have yet to find exactly what occurred in Owney & Arra during this period where the Mac I Briens and O'Mulryans begain to dominate
However from Curtis we do seem to have a definite "push" factor for why the "Clann Brian Rua" branch of the O'Briens moved to Arra after Dysert O'Dea (becoming the Mac I Briens of Arra).
(This is complicated again by the fact that Gleeson (1915, 501) puts some of that clan in Arra as early as 1207 according to the Annal of Clonmacnoise & Four Masters. However I think he has misread this evidence.)
Saturday, 29 September 2018
The Feast Day of Michaelmas in Tipperary
"In the long ago it was a Custom with the people of this district to kill the first goose of the season on St Michael's Eve, 28th September.
It was eaten on St. Michael's Day, 29th September and for that reason was always called the "Michaelmas Goose".
It was eaten on St. Michael's Day, 29th September and for that reason was always called the "Michaelmas Goose".
Wednesday, 26 September 2018
Lackamore Wedge Tomb
Lackamore is a townland in Castletown Arra of 181 acres. Its name is thought to come from An Leaca Mhór which translates as the "Big or great hillside".
Arra's only confirmed wedge tomb is located prominently within the townland with views to the Clare Hills in the East on which there are other wedge tombs located and down to Youghal Bay which to me also stands out.
De Valera & O'Nuallain in "The Survey of the Megalithic Tombs of Ireland" suggest that this tomb and Cooleen near the Silvermines were evidence of a link between the wedge tombs of East Clare and the Kilcommon Group around Rearcross & Kilcommon area. They proposed that there may be there a mining link between the settlements that may have accompanied them.
I've always found this interesting considering the slate quarry industy that has been carried out in the locality up to the present day.
I've always found this interesting considering the slate quarry industy that has been carried out in the locality up to the present day.
The half-barony of Arra must be unique in the variety of megalithic monuments still existing in the area.
There is a wedge-tomb, stone row, stone pair, stone circle, possible portal tomb, rock art and possibly the remains of a court-tomb (Graves of the Leinstermen).
Sunday, 12 August 2018
The Turret at Doonass Falls
An abandoned castle on the Clare bank of the River Shannon near the "Leap of Doonass" close to Castleconnell. The castle today is very impressive, perched on a rock above the River and with rock cut paths leading up to it from the water side.
The Leap of Doonass was where the power of the River Shannon met its narrowest point and as a result were powerful rapids. Here most boats had to disembark and either carry on by foot to another waiting boat or lift the boat out and carry it with them. As such this was a very strategic point on the River. The river itself was a routeway into the midlands of Ireland and this point here controlled access to it via the boat.
It is likely that the current building is an 18th century folly known as "The Turret". At this site however there was likely to have been a much older castle. There is evidence of some medieval stone work which was probably reused in this brick and mortar folly.
It is thought that there may have been a much older fort known "Fort of the cataract" at this point. Doonas was a fording point of the river and is noted in the Annals of the Four Masters in 1124 when it is called "Eas-Danainne" and it is where Turlough O'Connor crossed the Shannon on his way to plundering the MacCarthy lands as far as Foynes in Desmond.
A 16th centurty McNamara castle was later built on the same site. In 1563 it was in the hands of Conor O'Brien who was the 3rd Earl of Thomond. It was given to the Earl of Ormond around this time following rebellion by Conor O'Brien.
It was later recorded by Westropp, noting that it appears on the Down Survey maps and that it was built at the old fort of "Eas Danainn", or "the rock of Astanen".
The above comes from "The Castles and Tower-houses of Co. Clare" by Risteard Ua Croinin and Marting Breen.
Old Photo of the Falls of Doonass
Tuesday, 10 July 2018
Magh Adhair, Dalcassian Inauguration Site
It was an inauguration site of the Dalcassians and it is likely to be where Brian Boru himself assumed his leadership in 976 upon his brothers death. It is located near Tulla in Co. Clare. Voices from teh Dawn has some brilliant information on it here.
It must be 15 years or so since I last visited and I'm well overdue a revisit. There is a bullaun stone located near the mound and a standing stone on the other side of a river that runs near it.
I had this picture on an external hard-drive that broke down on me. Thankfully I was able to have all the photos recovered, so The Tipperary Antiquarian's archive remains intact. (Including all the early out of focus ones from the early 2000s like this one!)
Sunday, 1 July 2018
Barbaha Stone Row, Moon rise Alignment
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The Moon appearing from out of a cloud on the horizon. |
After a few days of cloudy sunsets around the Winter Solstice I wasn’t holding much hope of getting a picture of the Minor Winter Lunar Standstill Moonrise. Here is a link to what exactly a Lunar Standstill is
Clive Ruggles would be widely acknowledged as being one of the leading archaeoastronomers in the British Isles and he conducted a statistical analysis of the Stone Rows of Cork & Kerry in 1996 (see link for the paper and from this he conclusively shows that they are aligned to the various standstills of the Moon at it’s Major & Minor points in the cycle. This cycle takes 18.6 years to complete, so the next time the moon will be back at this extreme in the cycle will be in 2033. Why the ancients were so concerned with the Moons cycle is anyone’s guess.
From using an app on my phone called Sunsurveyor & also a handy tool here at I calculated that the Stone Row at Barbaha in North Tipperary was possibly aligned to the Moonrise on the Winter Minor Lunar Standstill. As far as I can make out the Standstill is more of a “season” rather than one exact date (although statistically I’m sure there is a precise point in the cycle that is the exact Standstill) but sometimes moonrise or moonset occurs during the day and would not be possible to view as it is too bright. For the period around Christmas this year both the position the moon rises and the time of day makes it possible to view. The only other factor to consider is the weather.
So to take me back to the start of this, the weather has been pretty cloudy in Tipperary for the last few days and not conductive to celestial observations. The forecast for Christmas Day was terrible and the best shot at it I thought was Christmas Eve. I headed up to Barbaha on Christmas Eve and with a lot of cloud with a few small patches of sky it wasn’t looking very promising. I took a few photos up at the stone row before a hail / sleet shower came in and the whole sky turned grey. At this stage I decided it was best to leave it and head home to a warm house. I waited in the car with a nagging feeling not to go just yet. As luck would have it, I went to turn the car at a gate down from where I parked and on turning I saw the clouds where starting to be pushed away from the area where the moon was predicted to rise. I quickly donned all my wet gear and ran back up to the row.
The Moon rose exactly where it was supposed to and due to the optical illusion known as the Moon Illusion the Moon appears much larger than in the photographs below and as such was visually even more accurate than my photos. It was great to finally get proof of something that I had long thought about and it looks as if this row can now be dubbed “The Moonstones of Tipperary”. It is also aligned to the Minor Standstill Summer Moonset in the other direction and hopefully there may be a few opportunities to confirm this later next year when it comes very close to the position for this alignment.
On a less positive note, one of the stones here at Barbaha stone row fell in 2013, probably due to undermining of the soil around it by water (mainly rainfall) and possibly cattle rubbing up against it. It would be great now that this row has been shown to be of great importance to get the stone re-erected as it once stood only a short time ago. I understand it is mainly down to a question of funding for an excavation here. I would guess that the size of the area that would be excavated as part of a restoration would be quiet small and so you would hope that it wouldn’t be that costly. Perhaps if there are any benefactors out there or archaeologists that would be interested in pushing for funding etc I would certainly like to be of help in any way I can.
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The sky when I intially arrived at the hill. |
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Grey and starting to sleet and snow down. |
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My first zoomed in attempt with the camera. |
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Disappearing behind a bank of cloud. |
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And reappearing again. |
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One last picture before it disappeared into grey clouds. |
Monday, 4 June 2018
The Track of St. Patrick's Cow in North Tipp
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Rinn Bó Phadruig looking east |
As I read through it I noted that I had read most of the references to St. Patrick in Gleesons paper in the North Tipp area before and it was with great surprise that I found Gleeson's reference to the "Rinne Bó Phadruig" or track of St. Patrick's Cow in the Ormond area.
I had read about St. Patrick's cow's mythical journeys in different parts of the country such as in Limerick near Knockpatrick and in South Tipp / Waterford area from Lismore to Cashel before. Dr. Louise Nugent has written a great paper on it here.
Gleeson details this road as follows in the NMAJ
"The only other tradition of the saint I know of in the Ormond area concerns not himself but his cow. This is the "Rinne Bó Phadruig" or track of St. Patrick;s cow at Grennanstown in Toomevara. On the ancient road, part of which still remains, between Latteragh and Tyone and just after it passes by the road from Ballinamona cross to Grawn, is found a large stone by the roadside with a depression in it said to have been made by the knee of the saint's cow when she fell while running from the devil."
This old road can clearly be made out on the old maps as below.
It runs adjacent to the existing R498 or Thurles Rd and as per a note in Gleesons paper it "leaves the main Nenagh/Thurles road at Sallypark and proceeds vis. Kilnafinch, Carrick Maunsell, and Carrick Peacock, to cross the Ballinamona to Toomevara road a little east of Ballinamona cross."
It is interesting to note the number of eccesiastical sites in and around this road from Borrisoleigh to Nenagh. Going from east to west you pass Glenkeen Monastic site, Latteragh Monastic site, Kilkeary Monastic site and Tyone Monastic site, all which would be on or near the Rinn Bó Padraig.
The road itself is clearly exists as an old track as the photo below and at the start of the piece illustrate (taken near where Lurganaboe is marked on the OS map).
What is also very exciting is that the stone with the marking from the cow is also recorded on the old OS maps as "Lurganaboe".
It is on private property so I haven't had the opportunity yet to see if it still exists, hence the reason for writing this piece. If anyone happens to know its exact location or who the landowners are please do contact me.
Unfortunately and unlike Dermot Gleeson, he does not reference where the information on the Rinn Bó Padraig originated and I do find it unusual that I have not came across any other references to it before.
However if the Lurganaboe is still there (and hopefully it still is) then it will surely back up the story and give North Tipp its own "Rinn Bó Phadruig".
Saturday, 31 March 2018
A Cashel "East of the Shannon" on Knigh Hill
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Cashel within Mooghaun hill-fort, Co. Clare. |
Interestingly of the 28, one of the most impressive was probably in the townland of Knigh near Puckane and when built would have looked like the Cashel at Mooghaun pictured above (it is likely it has been reconstructed at Mooghaun).
Daniel Grace wrote about the Cashel at Knigh in his book "Portrait of a Parish: Monsea and Killodiernan". He says it is known locally as "The Caher" and we will see that named used in the Irish Folklore Commission's entry on it.
He says "The caher at Knigh is in poor condition and the encircling wall has collapsed and overspilled. But the fallen stones on the north side were removed some years ago, exposing the outer face of the wallto a height of approximately 1m."
He also quotes John O'Donovan who visited in 1840. "The remains of a large stone fort called Cathair Boirne are visible in the townland of Knigh, one Irish mile to the north of the old church." O'Donovan translates the word 'boirne' was as bening the genetive of 'boireann' and that it means 'a stony disctrict' or 'a rocky hill'. This however Grace disagrees with he says "Knigh hill was anciently known as 'Knockbuolly' and is marked as such on the Downe Survey map of Knigh parish drawn in the mid-seventeenth century. The correct Irish form was 'cnoc na buaile', i.e. "the hill of the booley or summer milking place'. Booleying was an ancient Irish practice whereby cattle were driven to the hills for summer grazing."
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Knigh Hill - the Cashel is in the upper portion and then the cairn is to the south-west of it. |
The Irish Folklore Commission has this to say about this Cashel or Caher
"The Caher of Killard is in a field about three miles from the village of Puckane. The field in which the cahir is is the property of Mr Crosse.
One of the stories about this caher is in Pagan times the chief of this district lived in this old caher. The chiefs name was O'Brien. He had two sons.
O'Brien was a rough man and he sent his wife to work during the day. While the wife worked hard the chief and his sons adored false gods.
The men of the family stayed up nearly the whole night. They had dips for candles and these they placed on the stones at their dwelling.
The stones can be seen yet and are remarkable for the facts that the smoke of the candles can be seen on them. Every year on the 31st June a Leupracan can be seen mending boots on one of the stones. He wears a red cap and has a pot of gold by his side.
It is said if you go into the caher and may hear men's voices, talking and laughing. It is also said that on Xmas Eve a man stands in the middle of the caher and shouts three times in an unearthly voice."
So some interesting folklore there, I don't know what to make of the "smoke of the candles" that can be seen on the stones there, any ideas what that could be? Perhaps someone in the locality knows?
There is a cairn on Knigh Hill that is visible from the cashel to south-west and this is thought to be a bronze age burial cairn, perhaps the burial place of a chief? It is located within a prehistoric hill-fort so it was an area of great importance in prehistoric times (I'll try right post about these soon). We also saw folklore associating a cairn with a chief at nearby Ashleypark.
It is interesting to note the association here with Xmas Eve and the haunting of Knigh Castle.
It is interesting to note the association here with Xmas Eve and the haunting of Knigh Castle.
Sunday, 18 March 2018
St. Commaneth & St. Patrick's wife Sheelah - shared pattern day on the 18th March
From A Village by the Shannon
"Close to a well in the area of Cragg, now in the parish of Newport, lived a Celtic Druid named Ernach and his wife Cominta. They had a son and daughter whose names were Senan and Comminate. In that age people had just one name.... This druid family embraced the new religion and were converted to Christainity.Imbued with the zeal and fervour of missionaries they began to spread the new message of fatih. The daughter Comminate preached the gospel with her brother Senan and baptised people in the stream beside the well and also erected a stone altar where sacrifice was offered."
This "altar" is the bullaun stone described further down. It goes on to say that Senan went to Castleconnell to a pagan community located there and converted them. On the Clare side of the River Shannon is his holy well which is reputed to hold cures.
The 18th of March is the pattern day of St. Commaneth at the Holy Well at Cragg in the townland of Ballyard near Newport in North Tipp. It is associated with a the nearby Church and graveyard and also a bullaun stone. It is also known as Kilcomenty or the "Church of Commenth".
The area is of historical interest in itself but what really got thinking about it was the publication of the theory by Shane Lehane that St. Patrick had a "wife" named Sheelah and that her "Saints day" was celebrated on the 18th of March also. (Same day as St. Commaneth).
He says “Pre-Famine, pre-1845, if you go back to the newspapers in Ireland they talk not just about Patrick’s Day but also Sheelah’s Day. You have Paddy’s Day on March 17th, and it continues on to Sheelah’s Day. I came across numerous references that Sheelah was thought to be Patrick’s wife. The fact that we have Patrick and Sheelah together should be no surprise. Because that duality, that union of the male and female together, is one of the strongest images that we have in our mythology.”
Coincidently St. Commaneth was also a female Saint and I wonder could the pattern day here at Cragg be related to the memory of pattern days to Sheelah that are supposed to have occurred around the country?
There is a bullaun stone about 200m away from the well and it is also closely associated with St. Commaneth. On there is folklore about the stone and the well. It says "the impression of a saints body is to be seen marked out" on the stone. These are of course the two bowls of the bullaun.
"There is a holy well in Cragg, Newport Co. Tipp. Many people go there to make rounds. There is a trout in the well and it is said that if you see the trout when you were making the rounds your request will be granted to you. There is a white thorn bush growing near the well. In former times there was a Church there. It is said that a Saint lived there once and the impression of a saints body is to be seen there marked out on a fest? stone. The trout could only be seen before Sun-rise, and anyone who was to see it should be there before that time. It is said that a Protestant caught the trout once and tried to cook it but he was not able. There is a tradition that the well was further up in the glen, but cattle used to be walking in around it so it moved and sprung further down the glen."
More on the well here
"There is a holy well in Cragg. Cragg is situated about 2 miles to the N.W. of Newport. A stream which rises in Ballinahinch about 2 miles distant, disappeared about 200 yards above the wall, and re-appears, forming the well, about 30 yards N.E. of the old graveyard. The river continues on though Shower Bog and thence to the Mulcair. Over the well stands an enormous ash tree, whose protecting branches, with those of adjacent whitethorn trees practically overshadow the well, affording shelter to the numerous pilgrims who make their "rounds" of the well and pray for the intercession of the Saints in order to be relieved of their bodily or mental ailments. The "rounds" are 7 in number. The pilgrim first takes 7 pebbles from the running stream, recites the Pater Noster, Hail Mary Creed and Gloria, throws of the pebbles into the well, and walks round the well, passing through the churchyard to the front of the well where the pilgrims kneel and pray. The well is decorated with offerings of beads, sacred pictures etc left there by pilgrims on completion of their rounds. According to legend the well was in ancient times situated close to St. Cominet's bed, but cattle being allowed into it the well removed."
The article in the Irish Times also mentions Sile-na-Gigs and how this name could potentially refer to Sheelah - St. Patrick's wife. It says:
“Sheela-na-gig is a basic medieval carving of a woman exposing her genitalia. These images are often considered to be quite grotesque. They are quite shocking when you see them first. Now we look at them very much as examples of old women showing young women how to give birth. They are vernacular folk deities associated with pregnancy and birth.”
There are no Sile-na-gigs in the vicinity of Cragg graveyard but there were a number of architectural fragments from the nearby church in the graveyard that all seem to have been removed.
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(From JRSAI 1904 by Berry) |
There was a Sile-na-gig found at Burgesbeg church which is approximately 15km away, which is in storage (in the National Museum).
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(From JRSAI 1939 by Dermot Gleeson) |
It is interesting to see how many other female saints days the 18th of March is associated with. According to this list - St. Commaneth is the only female saints day on this date. (It is also Saint Caemhán's day, a male saint). However, you would think if the pattern at Cragg was a vestue of a celebration to do with Sheelah then it would be more widespread in Ireland with other patterns taking place on this day. However I am amazed that it has taken until the last few years (to my knowledge) that the story of Sheelah has been rediscovered.
Edit: I have also noted "blademarks" on the bullaun stone and have now written about them in an article in The Lamp 2020 - The Lorrha Dorrha Historical Journal.
Sunday, 11 March 2018
Ashleypark burial mound - A Final Feast
I've been meaning to write about the burial mound at Ashleypark for a while but never got around to it. One of the main reasons probably is due to the lack of folklore associated with this mound.
It was located within 40 acres of forestry which had been there for at least 200 years and didn't even feature on any of the OS maps. The area was known as "the oakwood".
In 1979 the land was bought by a new owner from the Ashleypark estate and it was the new owner's intention to level the trees and use the land for tillage. It was during these works in 1980 that the chamber was discovered and an excavation begun.
The excavation report notes that "there was local tradition that a king or chieftain was buried in the mound" (Manning et al, 1985, 63).
In 2005 I was looking for another cairn at Whitstone a couple of miles from here and got talking to a local farmer. He told me a bit about the Ashley Park cairn as well. He told me "that the mound at Ashleypark was originally capped "like a pyramid" by the stones that are lying around the field. When the chamber was opened they found 3 skeletons - one 7ft tall, the next 6ft 6inchs and the third 6ft. He also reckoned that the 7ft tall skeleton was featured on the Late Late Show at the time. He thought that the name Ardcroney referred to the tall skeletons here - Ard being Big and Croine being the chief buried within."
The only thing I could find in the National Folklore Commission manuscripts anyway similar to this folklore was as follows-
"About four miles from Nenagh is situated the historical parish of Ardcroney which means the height of Croney. It is believed a saint or chieftainess of that name lived in the district in ancient times. A woman's head is carved in stone at the western side of the castle."
In the wider area there is a mention of underground tunnels in the general vicinity of Ardcroney village. (I'm struggling to find the exact quote in the Folklore archive but will update when I do.)
This seems to have been proven true to some extent as along with Ashley Park there are another two linkardstown type tombs in the area. All could be thought of as entrances to tunnels.
There are also other megalithic remains in the area including a Portal Tomb outside the village of Ardcroney. This tomb has interesting folklore linking it to St. Patrick.
There is also some kind of megalithic tomb at Whitstone - the exact type is unclear.
It is interesting that there is a Portal Tomb - they are often said to mark a new territory. Today this area doesn't seem to be a "compact" area but perhaps during Neolithic times with wetlands etc it could have been.
Also it is interesting that into medieval times the area was a small tuath in the control of the O'Hogans.
So now to look at what the excavation found? What was particularly unusual was how the burial chamber in the mound was constructed. It is thought that a large long glacial eratic was split into two pieces with one part being used as the sloping floor of the chamber and the other as one of the sides. Other large stones were used to make up the other sides of the chamber. The excavation showed that one of these stones was just placed on the old surface of the ground, not placed in a socket and so this is the likely construction method for the others.
Regarding the "giant" skeletons, I don't know where the farmer came up with them but the excavation report is very different.
The longest of the three was labelled Burial 1 and is thought to have been a male aged around 60 and 5ft 7" in height. He would have been of above average height for the time and his age would have been far greater than the normal lifespan at the time. So it could be that he was this "chieftain" remembered in local tradition. One of his femurs was radio-carbon dated to c. 3350-3650 BC which places the tomb in the Neolithic.
Burial 2 was a child of between 4-5 years old and Burial 3 was an infant thought to be about 8 months old. The relationship of the 3 is obviously not known.
The remains of a pot were found next to Burial 2. The condition of the remains within the chamber were in such good condition that they were able to interpret two stones found near the remains as being used to keep the jug "level" on the sloping floor so that whatever was in it had to be kept in that position so that it didn't spill. So it is likely to have been a liquid of some kind.
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Similar Jug found at Cahirgullamore in Co. Limerick (Jones, 1999, 175) |
There was no evidence of what was in it but interestingly enough over in Wales at Barclodiad y Gawres on Anglesey (another burial chamber) they were able to pinpoint the remains of a stew that was cooked on a fire within the chamber - it included "wrasse, eel, frog, toad, grass-snake, mouse, shrew and hare, the covered with limpet shells and pebbles".
Sherds of different pottery were found scattered inside and outside the chamber and it is supposed that it may have been smashed as part of some kind of ritual.
However they did discover a large quantity of animal bone and this is where the tag-line for this post comes from - "A Final Feast".
They found over 300 cattle bones which would likely represent three fully-grown cattle. The evidence appears to show that the large skeleton and remains of the child were buried to the rear of the chamber and this was covered with a stone to form a roof. However the "antechamber" to the front was not roofed. Here Burial 3 was placed in a cleft between "the basal boulder and one of the side slabs" (Jones, 1999, 181). It is possible then that a funeral feast was held with these cattle and then the front section of the chamber was filled with stones and the remains of the bones from the feast.
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The chamber from the front. |
How do we know it was a feast? Well the bones show butchering marks and some were split to get the marrow out, all evidence of feasting. It is possible along with whatever was in the pot, that animal bones found in the rear chamber may have been joints of meat left as offerings for the dead. In the rear chamber was found "pig humerous, a sheep/goat astragalus and a calf humerus" (Jones, 1999, .
Next a cairn of stone was built up around this chamber to a height of 3-4m. A ditch was then dug around this and the clay placed on the cairn. Another ditch was created several metres out from this to form an outer bank which gives the monument its now distinctive look. It is thought to have all been constructed in one sequence.
It is often wondered about the large stones left lieing around to the "rear" of the mound. The reports suggest that these were more or less how they were prior to the damage caused during the tree knocking works. Jones (1999, 178) wonders if they could have been the remains of a megalithic structure of some kind.
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Stone left to the "rear" of the tomb. |
Manning, C. et al, 1985, A Neolithic Burial Mound at Ashleypark, Co. Tipperary, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy: Archaeology, Culture, History, Literature, Vol. 85C (1985), pp. 61-100 Published by: Royal Irish Academy Stable URL:
Jones, C., 1999, Temple of Stone, Published by: The Collins Press.
Sunday, 18 February 2018
Brian Boru's Wine Cellar
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The overgrown hall-house. |
It is described as follows:
"Situated on high ground overlooking a deep ravine and nearby church (TN025-016----) to the S. The poorly preserved remains of a small rectangular building surviving to first-floor level only, built with roughly coursed sandstone rubble of cyclopean appearance. The building consists of a narrow small ground-floor chamber (int. dims. 6.65m N-S; 3.05m E-W; Wall T 2m) accessed from a segmental-arched doorway situated in the centre of the E wall. This appears to be an insertion and may belong a later phase of construction. The ground floor had a wooden ceiling carried in the thickness of the wall with a destroyed flat-headed window in the centre of the W wall which replaced an earlier window. At first-floor level there is a single-light
round-arched window in the N wall (Fitzpatrick 1985, vol. 3, 75-86) which is now obscured by ivy growth. At the E end of the extant S wall there is the remains of a garderobe chute. Possible stairs are visible at the E end of the S wall which gave access to an E chamber (now destroyed). There was no cut stone used in the fabric of the building. It is unclear from the surviving evidence and the dense cover of ivy if this building survives fully intact or whether only the W half of the castle survives. There is possible evidence for a bawn wall extending E from the SE angle of the castle.
In 2001 archaeological testing by Brian Hodkinson on a proposed house site beside the Ballina-Birdhill road and is overlooked by the ruins of Cloghaneena castle, no archaeological features were uncovered (Bennett 2003, 377). Testing carried out under licence No. 01E0864."
round-arched window in the N wall (Fitzpatrick 1985, vol. 3, 75-86) which is now obscured by ivy growth. At the E end of the extant S wall there is the remains of a garderobe chute. Possible stairs are visible at the E end of the S wall which gave access to an E chamber (now destroyed). There was no cut stone used in the fabric of the building. It is unclear from the surviving evidence and the dense cover of ivy if this building survives fully intact or whether only the W half of the castle survives. There is possible evidence for a bawn wall extending E from the SE angle of the castle.
In 2001 archaeological testing by Brian Hodkinson on a proposed house site beside the Ballina-Birdhill road and is overlooked by the ruins of Cloghaneena castle, no archaeological features were uncovered (Bennett 2003, 377). Testing carried out under licence No. 01E0864."
You can clearly make out the thick walls.
According to local tradition this hall-house was Brian Boru's wine cellar, it is known as Cloghanenna or Cloch an Fhíon which is supposed to mean Stone of the Wine. It is likely that the structure dates to later than Brian Boru's time. The annals record the Vikings of Limerick giving vast quantities of wine as tribute to Brian Boru. (From Sliabh Aughty "Brian Boru Sites in Killaloe" by Una Kierse.
Two interesting features that I noticed while there were two "worked" stones in the building fabric.
This one is possibly a mill-stone of some kind and approximately 500mm in diameter.
I also noticed this stone with a hole bored into it.
And another photo of the outside of it from a different angle.
It is a pity to see it in such poor condition these days, especially considering its link to the whole Brian Boru "mythos".
I think the location on the Tipperary side of the Shannon also helps show that Brian Boru & the O'Briens domain stretched to both sides of the Shannon at various different periods.
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