Saturday, 6 June 2020

Gallows Hill

Copyright Andrew Dunn -

In the Arra area there are not one but two Gallows Hills marked on the old OS maps. Both known as Knocknacrohy or Cnoc na Croiche. Both I believe are attributed to the Mac I Briens who are thought to have ruled the area with an iron fist.

The first is at Pallas more. I don't have a lot of details on it. The old OS maps show two possible locations for it.

Copyright OSI / NMS
This one seems to show it on the east of the road and likely at the highest point (694).

Copyright OSI / NMS

This one doesn't give a clear location for the hill. Personally I always equated the mounds in the field marked on the map above with the red arrow as being the location of the Gallows. I could be wrong though, that is why I've put together this post. 

Copyright Google Street view

Ive marked the various mounds with red arrows on Google Streetview. So if anyone knows the definite location of Gallows Hill at Pallas, I'd be delighted to know? 

The second Gallows Hill in the area is in the townland of Greenhills, close to Kilmastulla graveyard. 

Copyright OSI / NMS

I have even less information about this one. From Google Streetview and Google Earth there doesn't appear to be any kind of earthworks or cropmarks there. Does anyone have any further information on the Gallows Hill there?

You know staying within your 5km is getting to you when you are writing about Gallow Hills using nothing but Google Earth and Streetview to research! The easing of restrictions can't come soon enough. Stay safe everyone.