Saturday, 9 October 2021

Holy Wells of Tipperary Map and list of recorded Holy Wells


A few people have been asking me, how do I know if my local holy well is recorded or not? 

Well firstly I guess it doesn't matter as we would like to hear about the folklore and practices at the well even if it is a very well known holy well. 

We do hope that some previously unrecorded holy wells are discovered and are added to the records and to aid in this I have created two resources below. 

The first one is a list of all the recorded holy wells in the County and their recorded names on the older Ordnance Survey maps. 

For this see here.

I've also created a webmap showing each holy well in the County in its location. This is only a very roughly put together map and I hope to have something better and more user friendly in the next few weeks. 

For this map click here. (Double click on the red dots to get the townland name of the well). 

Then after that if you have located your local holy well and wish to add some information about it. 

The survey form is here

Thanks to everyone for reading. 

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Holy Wells of Tipperary Survey


I’m delighted to say that the survey form for the Holy Well Survey of Tipperary is available now online.

If anyone has any information to share about a holy well close to them or one they know about, we would be grateful if you would reply to it.

We hope to have information on every holy well in the County and to make this available online for everyone to access.

In phase I, we will create a searchable database and interactive website of Holy Wells in the County and record:

(i) folklore and cultural traditions associated with holy wells;

(ii) identify the location of any 'missing' holy wells in County Tipperary;

We hope this survey will raise awareness of Holy Wells in County Tipperary and their archaeological heritage & cultural significance.

With this baseline set, we aim to investigate a number of Holy Wells around the County with a field study.

We are asking you, the public, for any information you may have about your local Holy Well or a Holy Well that you have knowledge or interest in?

Do you know if the well if dedicated to a particular saint?

What is the name of the well known locally?

Was there a pattern day set for this well?

Were there associated customs such as rounds, particular prayers, depositions?

Did the well have curative powers attributed to them and for what illnesses?

Are there stories of specific people that were cured by a well?

Other folklore or history associated with the well? Wells moving location etc.

Do you have any photos of the well that you would like to share?

If you know of any holy wells in your area, please join this community project by emailing your information, stories and photos to the project Or submitting through the project portal below .

This survey is an action of the Tipperary Heritage Plan 2017-2022 and funded by Tipperary County Council and The Heritage Council.