Saturday 18 February 2017


Glencar Cairn on Gortnageragh to the north of Doon but in Co. Tipperary. Its a pretty unimposing cairn but Professor Ronald Hicks (who is an expert on references to fairy Síds in ancient literature) thinks its a candidate for Sid Cuile. He says "Síd Cuile (Síd Cuillne) – Mentioned in the Yellow Book of Lecan in the tale Táin Bó Dartada ("The Cattle Raid of Dartaid"), where Eocho Bec of Dún Cuile is invited by Ailill and Medb to a Samhain (Halloween) conference at Crúachan. A woman from the síd (banshee) appears to give him advice about his journey. Location unclear, but my candidate is the hill of Gortnageragh ("field of the sheep"), which lies just northeast of Doon (Dún Cuile), County Limerick, on the Tipperary side of the county boundary. There is a cairn on top."

It is described on as follows:

"On top of a poorly drained mountain with good views in all directions. A small modern cairn (H 0.5m; diam. 2m) has been built to support a trigonometrical station on top of an earlier cairn (diam. 8m E-W), the outline of which is still visible. The modern cairn may have reused stones from the earlier cairn."

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