Saturday 15 April 2017

The Fairy Mansion of Shevry

I always wondered about this unusual placename and what it meant. It wasn't till Professor Ronald Hicks posted about his research on placenames associated with Fairy Sídh's or mounds that I came across its meaning. Shevry comes from Siodhbhruigh or Fairy Mansion.
There are a number of ancient remains on the hill. I have only visited the stone pair and barrow but there is also a ring-barrow with a cist in it farther up the hill which may be the inspiration for the placename.
This area is pretty remote so it may be that there is still something up here that is unrecorded or has been destroyed that was the reason for the placename.
I have it on my list for a revisit but have not had the opportunity to do so. Tom Fourwinds of Megalithomania wondered whether the stone pair may have been aligned to the Equinox sunset but back in 2014 I checked this and confirmed that they weren't.

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