Sunday 20 October 2024

Ryans of Inch - Burial Place


I had wondered for a while where was the burial place of the Ryans of Inch was located. It would make sense that they would be buried in nearby Inch graveyard but there were no grave stones markers indicating the location. I had also wondered could they have been buried at Holycross Abbey.

However it appears from this survey done on historic graves in conjunction with the local community(below) that aa area  in the medieval church has been reused as a vault for the Ryans of Inch burials.

Basically at the rear of a medieval doorway, the vault was constructed and an iron door put in to block it. I'm not sure which of the family are buried there and unfortunately there are no crests or other carvings that could have been associated with the Ryans viewable. 

For more on the history of the Ryans of Inch, see this fantastic thesis. 

Rear of door that has been converted into a vault

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