Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Hearth Money Rolls - Ballycaridoge


In the Hearth Money Rolls 1665
The following names were recorded in Ballycaridoge townland (Ballyycuradog).
John Featherson
Laughlen O’Moyneghane
Conor McTeige

For Ballycaridoge there seems to be 2nd return or maybe an add-on in 1666-67

Recorded are
John Featherson (again)
Loghlin Moynahane (again)
John McGrath

John Cormackane

Conor McTeige (Again)

John Morrish

Teige Conelah

Generally the first name in a townland seems to be the most important landowner. At least that is my impression and seems to be confirmed here as both Featherson and Moynahane have two “hearths”.

John Featherson must be an English settler. It is interesting that John Moynahane must surely be Gaelic and seems to have retained reasonable wealth. Moynahane comes from a group of surnames that translates as descendant of the Munstermen.

Conor McTeige appears in both returns and he may be a relative of someone else within the townland for example a Teige O’Brien or possibly in this case Teige Conelah?

John McGrath and John Conelah (Connolly) would be both Gaelic Irish names. John Morrish possibly a Gaelicised Norman name. John Cormackane is also a Gaelic name, what is interesting is that there seems to be a number of different versions of this name in the area – McCormack, Cormack, O’Cormack & Cormican. I would say they all stem from the same surname and this is backed up below.

The next available "Census" for the area is the Tithe Appointment Books 1824 – I only have a scan of this from the Mikie Joy archive.

However none of the Hearth Money Rolls surnames appear in this record.

We have

Daniel Molony

Michael Hickey

Michael Burke

? Malone

Michael Malone

Matt Maloney

Darby Egan

James Egan

John Egan

Darby Egan

Boyce Egan

John Molony

James Brien

Michael McNamara

Patt Harty

In the later Griffiths valuation
We find these names broadly passing on. (See pictures)

With them there again in 1901

And still in 1911

My own analysis of the rolls highlighting the Arra records.

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