In the Hearth Money Rolls 1665
The following names were recorded in Ballywilliam townland (Ballywilliam).
Mortagh | Bryen |
Dermott | Hogane |
There seems to be 2nd return or maybe an add-on in 1666-67
Recorded are
Mort Bryan
Dermott Hogan
Generally the first name in a townland seems to be the most important landowner. At least that is my impression.
Mortagh O’Brien and Dermot Hogan are common to both lists and both Gaelic surnames.
The next available "Census" for the area is the Tithe Appointment Books 1824 – I only have a scan of this from the Mikie Joy archive.
Larry Hickey
Daniel Quin
Denis Molony
James Hickey
John Dea
Anthony McKeogh
Patt McKeogh
James Brien
Michael Ryan
Michael Hogan
So O’Briens and Hogans do carry on in the townland.
In the later Griffiths valuation (See pictures) – O’Brien and Hogan are not recorded
In 1901
In 1911
O’Brien and Hogan do not reappear.
My own analysis of the rolls highlighting the Arra records.
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