Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Civil Survey Notes - Ballycaridoge

The Civil Survey records the following in this townland

Loghlen Minighan of Ballycaradoge Gent

This is an interesting one. The surname seems to vary between Moynehan & Minihan. Both of which are still in the approximate area.

The next record featuring Loghlen Minighan is in the transplantation decrees and Melaghlin Moynehan is scheduled to be transplanted to Galway and Ballmoe Barony and Boyounagh Parish.

There doesn’t appear to be any Moynehan, Moynihans or Minihans in Galway in the Griffiths Valuation.

This makes sense in this case anyway as in the Hearth Money Rolls we find that Loghlin Moynahane / Laughlen O’Moyneghane still living in the townland.

However in the later records there is no evidence of the surname in the townland.

Hearth Money Rolls - Ballycaridoge


In the Hearth Money Rolls 1665
The following names were recorded in Ballycaridoge townland (Ballyycuradog).
John Featherson
Laughlen O’Moyneghane
Conor McTeige

For Ballycaridoge there seems to be 2nd return or maybe an add-on in 1666-67

Recorded are
John Featherson (again)
Loghlin Moynahane (again)
John McGrath

John Cormackane

Conor McTeige (Again)

John Morrish

Teige Conelah

Generally the first name in a townland seems to be the most important landowner. At least that is my impression and seems to be confirmed here as both Featherson and Moynahane have two “hearths”.

John Featherson must be an English settler. It is interesting that John Moynahane must surely be Gaelic and seems to have retained reasonable wealth. Moynahane comes from a group of surnames that translates as descendant of the Munstermen.

Conor McTeige appears in both returns and he may be a relative of someone else within the townland for example a Teige O’Brien or possibly in this case Teige Conelah?

John McGrath and John Conelah (Connolly) would be both Gaelic Irish names. John Morrish possibly a Gaelicised Norman name. John Cormackane is also a Gaelic name, what is interesting is that there seems to be a number of different versions of this name in the area – McCormack, Cormack, O’Cormack & Cormican. I would say they all stem from the same surname and this is backed up below.

The next available "Census" for the area is the Tithe Appointment Books 1824 – I only have a scan of this from the Mikie Joy archive.

However none of the Hearth Money Rolls surnames appear in this record.

We have

Daniel Molony

Michael Hickey

Michael Burke

? Malone

Michael Malone

Matt Maloney

Darby Egan

James Egan

John Egan

Darby Egan

Boyce Egan

John Molony

James Brien

Michael McNamara

Patt Harty

In the later Griffiths valuation
We find these names broadly passing on. (See pictures)

With them there again in 1901

And still in 1911

My own analysis of the rolls highlighting the Arra records.

Civil Survey Notes - Ballyvaughan


The Civil Survey records only one landowner in this townland, namely

Donogh O Hogan of Gurranemore Gent

The next record that mentions Ballyvaughan in this case are the Transplantation Decrees and in this we find a Thomas Hogan scheduled for transplantation to Galway – Ballymoe Barony & Templetogher Parish.

There are no Hogans record in Templetogher in Griffiths Valuation.

When we look at the Hearth Money Rolls we find an Edmund Hogan still living in Ballyvaughan. An Edmund was recorded in the transplantation decrees as living in nearby Youghal.

However that is the last of the Hogans that we see in the records as the name doesn’t appear again there.


Hearth Money Rolls - Ballyvaughan


In the Hearth Money Rolls 1665
The following names were recorded in Ballyvaughan townland (Ballyvaghan).







There is no return in 1666-67

Generally the first name in a townland seems to be the most important landowner. At least that is my impression.

Here we have Hogan and two other Gaelic sounding surnames, probably Killane & Duggan.

The next available "Census" for the area is the Tithe Appointment Books 1824 – I only have a scan of this from the Mikie Joy archive.

Patrick Gleeson

William Gleeson

Ned Gleeson

Patrick Cuooney?

So no Hearth Money Roll names.

In the later Griffiths valuation (See pictures) – Again no Hearth Money Roll names.

In 1901

In 1911

No Hearth Money Roll names reappear.

My own analysis of the rolls highlighting the Arra records.

Monday, 3 March 2025

Civil Survey Notes - Castletown, Castlelough, Ballywilliam, Cornode etc


Castletown, Castlelough, Cornode, Ballywilliam,

In the Civil Survey the following are owners in the townland.

Donogh O Bryen of Bellanaha Esqr

Richard late Earle of Corke

John Strongman Esqr

Daniell O Bryen of Garrykenedy gt.

James O Quinn of Ballywilliam

Bryen O Bryen of Liskelly

Lucas Twohy of Clonmunny Gent

This is a very interesting townland to me anyway. At first I wondered how Donogh O Bryen of Bellanaha was connected here but the Survey says that he purchased the land from “from the heires

Gennerall of Sr. Therlagh Byron (vizt) Onora. Margarett & More Bryen & others their ffeoffees.” (They were mentioned previously in connection with Monroe).

We also see that the Earl of Cork purchased his share of lands from Daniel O Byren of Cloneibrine. This must be the Daniel O Byrne whose two sons - Bryen & Marcus Mc Daniel were to be transplanted to Connacht. I think this also helped confirm that I am correct in the identification of Cunogh with Cloneybrien.

We also see that John Strongman purchases land in Cornoyde from Matthew O’Brien. There are few different Matthews listed in the Civil Survey so we can’t be sure who he is.

Comparing the Civil Survey with other records we find a few interesting correlations. In O’Harts list of those to be transplanted, there is a Murtogh O’Byren of Lisskelly. Lisskelly makes up part of the above record. There is a Mortogh McMahowny in the HMR for Castlelough. Matthew is a form of Mahown so there could be some tentative link there. In nearby Ballywilliam which forms part of the area covered in this Civil Survey record, in the HMR there is a Mortagh Byren. Could he be the same Murtogh listed for transplantation?

In the Civil Survey there are two instances of fairly prominent modern surnames in the locality – namely Quinn & Tuohy.  These are the only instances of them in that feature in the Civil Survey so may be of importance.

In the HMR for the townlands mentioned we have a number of Tuohys recorded. There is no Lucas but there must be a connection between him and those recorded.

There is also a Francis Strongman who you would have to suspect is a relative of John Strongman. There is a graveslab in Castletown graveyard with the following inscription “Here lies the body of Mary Strongman deceased 30th July 1733). So these are all obviously connected. The Ormond Historical Society notes that it also says that Mary Strongman is the wife of “illegible” so that may be worth investing more to see who she was married to.

There is Teige O Bryen but we have no way of connecting him back to any of the O Bryens mentioned in the Civil Survey.

The 1659 Penders Census features the following as Tituladoes in the area

Humphry Dymnock Esq – Castletown

Francis Strongman gent – Castlelough

John Strongman Esq - Cornodio

Edmond Hogane gent – Cornodio

Henry Feltham gent – Liskelly

All these areas equate to the area we are dealing with above.


Looking at the later records. In Castletown the surname Tuohy continues in that area till the Tithe Applotment Books.


Hearth Money Rolls - Ballywilliam


In the Hearth Money Rolls 1665
The following names were recorded in Ballywilliam townland (Ballywilliam).





There seems to be 2nd return or maybe an add-on in 1666-67

Recorded are

Mort Bryan

Dermott Hogan

Generally the first name in a townland seems to be the most important landowner. At least that is my impression.
Mortagh O’Brien and Dermot Hogan are common to both lists and both Gaelic surnames.

The next available "Census" for the area is the Tithe Appointment Books 1824 – I only have a scan of this from the Mikie Joy archive.

Larry Hickey

Daniel Quin

Denis Molony

James Hickey

John Dea

Anthony McKeogh

Patt McKeogh

James Brien

Michael Ryan

Michael Hogan

So O’Briens and Hogans do carry on in the townland.

In the later Griffiths valuation (See pictures) – O’Brien and Hogan are not recorded

In 1901

In 1911

O’Brien and Hogan do not reappear.

My own analysis of the rolls highlighting the Arra records.


Hearth Money Rolls - Castletown



In the Hearth Money Rolls 1665
The following names were recorded in Castletown townland (Castletowne / Liskelly ).



















Also in the Hearth Money Rolls is a location called Liskelly and this actually was part of the modern day Castletown townland so we will include here as well.

Recorded in 1665 are





















And in 1666/67


















Generally the first name in a townland seems to be the most important landowner. At least that is my impression.

In Castletown we have two Dymocks? I’m not sure of the origin of this name, I’d imagine it is a settler name. Then we have Gaelic or Gaelicised Anglo-Normans such as Tuohy and Walsh. There is also Droghane which I’d say is Gaelic and Oultagh which may refer to an Ulsterman.

In the Liskelly part we have

Henry Felton – he was an ancestor of the Watson-O’Briens who were large landowners in Garrykennedy. See Mikie Joy Archive -


Dermot Shanahan, Edmund Gleeson, William Summer & Hugh O’Neill are common to both. There is a John Harris in 65 and an Ellice Harris in 66-67.

One suggestion is that Summer could be Seymour? There is also a Haske, Fox and Broughane (could that be linked to Droghane in the Castletown record?)

The next available "Census" for the area is the Tithe Appointment Books 1824 – I only have a scan of this from the Mikie Joy archive.

Clifford & partners

Daniel Molony

? Molony

Patt Carney

Conor McCormack

Mary Quigley

Conor Sullivan & partners

Conor Sullivan & Dunlea

A Parker Esq Plantation

? near Tomlough

Daniel Slattery

Judy? Toohy

Martin McMahon

Michael Sullivan

Mrs Toohy

William Ralph

? McMahon

? ? Gabbett

William Hogan

Anthony Parker Esq

Hill division

Anthony Parker Esq

Lower division

Of the Hearth names – only Touhy seems to still be in place in the townland. Could they be descendants of the 1660s Touhys?

In the later Griffiths valuation; Brohan reappears in the townland and Tuohy continues from the Hearth Money Rolls.

See the 1901 census
And 1911 census

Unfortunately the Brohans & Tuohys don’t carry on into these two censuses but if you can trace back to the Griffiths valuation you may have a possible link back to the Hearth Money Rolls.

My own analysis of the rolls highlighting the Arra records.

Hearth Money Rolls - Castlelough


In the Hearth Money Rolls 1665
The following names were recorded in Castlelough townland (Castbloghy).



















There wasn’t an add-on / 1666-67 record for the townland.

Generally the first name in a townland seems to be the most important landowner. At least that is my impression.

In Castlelough we have Francis Strongman as the most important landowner. It is likely to be the name of an English settler to the area and interestingly a Mary Strongman is buried in Castletown Graveyard with this Memento Mori or Skull and Cross-bones motif on their graveslab, her date of death is 1733 so she may be a daughter or possibly even a wife of Francis. Next we have O’Fellaghy. This may be a rare Thomond surname according to Woulfe.

All the rest of the names appear to be Gaelic in origin. We have O’Dwyer, Flannery, Tuohy, McMahon, Hogan and Duff. There is also Riegh and I’m not certain what that surname would be today.

The next available "Census" for the area is the Tithe Appointment Books 1824 – I only have a scan of this from the Mikie Joy archive.

Unfortunately by the time of this record, the only tithe payer in the townland is Anthony Parker with 374 acres out of 601 (so there may be another record for this townland that I don’t have access to.)

In the later Griffiths valuation;  unfortunately, this also only records the Reps of Rev. S.G. Parker and a Richard Carty in the townland.

The 1901 census

And 1911 census

Unfortunately none of the surnames from the Hearth Money Rolls survive down to the 1901 / 1911 census.

It would be interesting to see how the lands arrived with the Parkers from the Strongmans?

My own analysis of the rolls highlighting the Arra records.